Monday, February 4, 2008

International Society of Photographers Hall of Fame

From the desk of:Jeffrey Bryan, Managing Editor
Dear Michelle Kutsunakis,
We are happy to inform you that you have been nominated to join the International Society of Photographers Hall of Fame. This is a prestigious group of worldwide photographers. They all have one thing in common: their love and passion for photography and their photographic talent. Your submission caught our eye because it displays your creative skills and dedication to your art. You are the perfect candidate to be included in the 2008 Class of the International Society of Photographers Hall of Fame.
We will be showcasing the talent of some of the members of the 2008 International Society of Photographers Hall of Fame at the International Society of Photographers Convention and Symposium, to be held this March in Las Vegas, NV. Just imagine your photo, "My Little Faeries," displayed in front of hundreds, if not thousands, of people from all over the world. Don't you think it's time to get the recognition you deserve? Your talent shouldn't be hidden anymore, and we want to help you share your gift with the world!
In addition, because of your elevated status as a member of the International Society of Photographers Hall of Fame, we would like to offer you a $50 gift certificate off the registration fees for the 2008 International Society of Photographers Convention and Symposium to be held this March in Las Vegas, NV. In the past, photographers from around the world have attended these conventions to network and learn from photographic legends, including professionals from Time Magazine, National Geographic, and NASCAR . . . just to name a few!
We hope you take advantage of this and congratulations again on being selected for the International Society of Photographers Hall of Fame.

Jeffrey Bryan

Craig Foster
Managing Editor
Chairman, Board of Trustees
International Society of Photographers